• Self Defense Marking Dye: Stains skin brilliant red and invisible UV dye included in all Mace Brand defense sprays. Great to identify a perpetrator even after red dye is worn off.
  • Easy and Safe to Use: One handed operation with integral spring loaded safety feature makes the Mace Brand UV Defense Spray easy, fast and safe to deploy.
  • Ballistic Stream: Accurate, long range stream over 750 cm 
  • Time to React and Escape: The thick gel formula sticks to attackers face and is very difficult to remove giving you time to escape a potentially dangerous situation.
  • Difficult to Remove: Without the use of soap and water this product is very difficult to remove.
  • Perfect for Garage or Shed: Large size makes this a perfect personal security spray that covers attacker in bright red UV dye not only giving you time to react and escape but also help authorities identify the culprit.